Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Thanksgiving 2006

Trinity getting dolled up for her day in the ghost town and the burro's.
Oatman, AZ, a ghost gold town that's turned tourist town, famous for the wild burro's. Trinity is a horse lover so we had to go feed carrots to the burro's in the streets. It was a very nice day and we all had a really good time.The coffin sits on main street with the measurements carved on the wall behind it so they know how big to build the box when you're gunned down in the street :) E.J. couldn't stop laughing long enough to get a picture with his tongue out.

Becca did better....
she cracked up too .... and then Trinity insisted that she get in on the fun! I especially love the giant ice cream cone, it's darn near bigger than she is :)
That picture just cracks me up!!!

Since we won't be in California for Christmas this year, it came a little early for Trinity. A new bike and gear for it.

Grandpa is going to teach her to ride a 2 wheeler.

and he gave it a good try, but notice the back? Training wheels after all :)

I'm hoping to get some pictures from E.J.'s mom from the actual Turkey day feast. When I get them, I'll add them to the post. We have lots to be thankful for and it was wonderful to be able to spend quality time with my daugher and granddaughter too.

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