Thursday, July 19, 2007


Becca's 4th of July Visit

This is Justin, Becca's new love. They came to vacation with us over the 4th of July this year. They spent a couple of days in Las Vegas while we watched Trinity and Severen. Severen is 5 and is Justin's son.
Although I burned the poor little guy to a crisp letting him swim too much in the pool (yes I used lots of sunscreen, but he has more delicate skin and no one warned me and yes I feel terrible about it). I think they had a good time.
Trinity and I made this Barbie dress on her Barbie tube knitter. She usually is really interested in making things, but this trip she had Severen to play with and we were only able to spend a couple of days so those were all spent out in the pool. Hopefully next summer we will be able to spend more time together so we can make stuff :)

We spent 2 more days down in Laughlin and watched an awesome fireworks display over the river and then the kids suddenly cut their trip short and went home. I yearn for the day that Becca and I can spend some time together without getting all stressed out.

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